How to Teach Your Child to Talk

As a Speech Therapist, I always get questions from friends and family who are parents asking for tips on how to help improve their child’s language. Who remembers worrying when your child wasn’t using their words or not using as many words as their same age peers? We’ve all been there.

To help alleviate that worry, I’ve compiled the most useful information that I’ve acquired over the years in an easy- to-read guide for parents and caregivers to help improve the language of toddlers and small children. I’m super excited to share the information in my e-book titled, “Let’s Play: How to Elicit Language from Small Children” because language is really best taught to small children through play and routines. The true essence of learning comes from children feeling safety and love in their daily routine, including play.

Let's Play by [Simpson, Tamara]

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P.O.I.S.E : 5 Steps to Economic Empowerment

What does “P.O.I.S.E” mean?

Fruit is a symbol of prosperity and life.
Keep fresh flowers in your home. Replenish weekly of needed.

We know the traditional definition meaning a gracefullness or elegance seen in a person but in this case P.O.I.S.E is an acronym for how one can strive for achieving a more financially gainful life. Money is not everything but it is essential to life, not just here in America, but anywhere life takes you. Speaking of America, we can agree that she has her faults as a country but when it comes to the ability to create opportunity, she wins.

Immigrants have been flocking to America for centuries because it is the place where dreams can come true. The entrepreneurs who made millions and billions in America have become legends in ether own right worldwide. How do you get a piece of the pie: P.O.I.S.E. is the answer.

5 Steps to Economic Power:

P- Producer. You have to be a producer, not just a consumer- the person buying. Producers have the ability to create products that consumers want and is a way to create cashflow.

O-Ownership. Become an owner. Home ownership is one of the easiest way to gain economic empowerment in America. Real estate rarely loses value, it gains tremendous value over time.

I-Investor. Invest in the stock market. Stock ownership is a good way to have partial ownership in some of your favorite companies or some of the most profitable companies in the world. Get a share.

S-Saver. Save a great percent (10 or 20%) of the money that you make! You cannot spend everything that you make for if you do then you will constantly be broke. It does not matter if you make a ton of money if you do not keep any of it.

E-Entrepreneurship. Most of us will probably work jobs and are working jobs right this very minute. BTW, Don’t let anyone tell you to quit your day job without having a viable way to support you and your family. Working a Job can be fulfilling and serves as a great way to use the skills that you have so that you stay sharp. Working a job is also a good way to gain new skills necessary for growth; however, it’s important to know how to also be an individual who can create jobs as well. That is an entrepreneur, a job producer.

Tell me what you think of the tips below in the comment section. How do you create economic power?

8 Steps to Complete Before You Begin Journaling

In order to improve life in any way it’s important to be intentional and set attainable goals. To make these goals come to life, create a daily action plan. This action plan is best maintained in a daily journal. Journals are a big part of many people’s lives and journaling can be done in several ways. Some people use journals as a way to jot down thoughts, ideas or write about things they would like to manifest. I find that journaling is most useful to me when I have: Goals, an Action Plan, and a way to Assess the daily goals that I set for myself. 

I really like the outline of “The 100-Day Goal Journal” by John Lee Dumas. The journal is set up with a place to express gratitude, write a short term goal, a way to achieve the goal, an action plan and a daily assessment.

But how do you establish GOALS? Ask yourself these 4 questions. Answer the questions truthfully.

Life Makeover: 8 Steps

  1. What do you really want?
    1. Clarity leads to power, power leads to action.
    2. Most people are looking for financial freedom. Financial Freedom Now. 

What do you want today based on this stage in your life?

  1. Be as specific as possible in your want (ask)
    1. Ex: higher investment returns
      1. Stocks (buy some)
      2. Increase Net Profits
      3. Lose 15 pounds
      4. Eat Healthier
      5. Join a Mastermind Group
      6. Get a Coach
      7. Pray/Meditate
      8. Give to Charity
      9. Get More politically Active 
  2. Choose 1 life makeover category to work on from these categories:

Money/ Finance 

Business/ Career



Personal/Spiritual/Professional Development


Personal Environment


  1. Financial; have higher investment returns using stocks TDA- buy more stocks. Buy Apple stocks through Vanguard.
  1. Why do you want this? (Examples of possible reasons below)
    1. To free myself and my family. We can take trips, have experiences that are priceless, and help others.
    2. The pain of going on without seeing your full potential.
    3. When it comes to fruition, it will feel great to help others and ourselves see the world and experience it without boundaries. 
  2. Why not? Why don’t you already have it? (Examples of responses below)
    1. Not actively working on it.
    2. Not focusing on it enough and not taking risks that can help bring these goals to fruition. What you focus on grows.
  3. How am I going to do this?
    1. Be active and buy 2 Apple stocks per month. 
    2. Find a financial advisor to look over my finances and make recommendations to help improve my investments.
  4. First Action:
    1. This is where most plans fall apart. It takes mental strength to make change.
    2. Most people think more than they do.
    3. Success in the physical world means doing more.
    5. The first step is critical because of the power of momentum.
    6. After the 1st step everything changes.
    7. First step:  Buy 3 shares of Apple stocks.
    8. Call a financial planner.
    9. Make it easy so you can win.
  5. Write a mantra:
    1. “I Tamara Simpson commit to buying 3 shares of Apple stock no matter what, before this time tomorrow.”
  6. Reward, immediate gratification through short term rewards
    1. Positive reinforcements
    2. Reward the behavior you want
    3. Ex: dinner, a massage, a bottle of good wine, a sicilian square slice
    4. Choose a reward that excites you
    5. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a big reward
  7. The Accelerator- USe this to make things move faster!
    1. Accountability. What is accountability + why is it important? Def: to explain what you’ve done. Being responsible for your actions or your results.
    2. Being accountable to others, not self, reaps more rewards.
      1. Other people can motivate, support, consult and advise
      2. They may be where you want to go, can guide you to success
      3. Outside coach can see what you can’t see
      4. When someone else is watching we try harder, we do better
  8. Plan: 16 Weeks of Action
    1. 3 Easy Actions Per Week 
    2. Give Each Area Attention.
    3. **8 weeks of journaling action plans for 3 categories that need attention. 
    4. 8 weeks of prioritizing the categories
    5. Actions:

Money/ Finance 

Business/ Career



Personal/Spiritual/Professional Development


Personal Environment


  1. 3 x 16 weeks = 48 easy actions in one simple cycle

The Science of Getting Rich:The Five Principles

The Science of Getting Rich: Wattles

Wallace Wattles wrote that there is an exact science to getting rich. The belief is that it all starts in your thinking. There are also principles that one must follow and the principles surround your thoughts and then you move on to applying action. Faith without works is dead. You have to work to get the things that you want. Like Brittany once sang, “You want a Bugatti, you want a Maserati, you betta work bitch…”

Now some people might think having the goal of getting rich as vapid and bloodsucking but money is the source of survival in our society. We cannot survive without it and we cannot help or improve our lives, those around us, without some source of money. It’s perfectly fine to want to be the source of massive amounts of cash because it can be an instant change maker.

Always surround yourself with beautiful things and change your environment when you need to think new thoughts and feel new feelings. Diminish clutter and put out the items that you love in clear view.
I always choose to connect with nature to help stay grounded and spark my creativity.

Vision and faith will set the creative force in motion to bring your goals or desires towards you, and your action will cause the forces in your environment to move you to the place you want to be. Creativity and (the right) Environment can be the cause for massive change.

These are the five principles that Wattles wants you t keep in mind on your journey to riches.

  1. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in it’s original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
  2. A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
  3. Man can form things in his thought and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created
  4. In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants, and hold this picture in this thoughts with the fixed PURPOSE to get what he wants, and the unwavering FAITH that he does get what he wants, closing his mind to all that may tend to shake his purpose, dim his vision, or quench his faith.
  5. That he may receive what he wants when it comes, man must act now upon the people and things in his present environment.

I’m a Nastygal. Not Really but I Like Their Clothes.

Quarantine had your girl really in the “safe at home” mindset. I had no desire to leave my little safe heaven and months later, I still don’t. I guess that’s the beauty of loving the space that you are in. You don’t mind being there all the time. Me, like most of us, shopped less and ate more over the quarantine months. I only shopped for essentials like cleaning stuff and food for months but eventually the IG ads for the cutest dresses on caught my eye. The prices were even more enticing and I had to place an order.

The weather was perfect so I broke out the long Macy dress on a quiet a Saturday morning for a quick event and errands.

(There is really nothing like waking up early on the weekend before the neighbors begins to move about. The only people you see outside are the early morning dog walkers. Granted, I only enjoy easy strolls when the weather is warm. The moment we feel a chill in the air, my only motive is to run as fast as I can to the subway or the car.)

Different scenery in the city, same dress.
Took full advantage of this metal wall. Perfect industrial feel.

Am I disappointed in my Nastygal dress purchases? Not at all! The quality is fantastic for the price and the selection is vast. I did not have high expectations but they exceeded them fully. (Im not an online clothes buyer because I can’t stand returning products.) I see more dresses in future for sure because of the choices and prices on Nastygal.

5 Ways to Ask Intelligently and Specifically For What You Want

How often do you ask for what you want?

If you don’t ask, you don’t get. This is a simple yet truthful phrase. Many times we function as though other people know what we are thinking and feeling or we believe that they SHOULD know simply because we are in proximity to each other. We can apply this to friendships, relationships and family. The truth is people do not foten know what we want until we say something or ask. It can be difficult for many of us to ask for what we want because of our own hang ups but it’s important to understand what limits us in our thinking in order to be free enough to ask for what we want and deserve.

You deserve all of the flowers. Smell them while you are here.

5 Ways to Ask Intelligently and Specifically

  1. Ask for what you want using specific words and language. Your ask should be purposeful and should be intended to change your world and the world around you. If you are having trouble figuring out what you want then it is important for you to get out into the world and live, observe others and figure out what you want and don’t want your life to look like. Gravitate towards the things that makes your soul sing and then pursue that life.
  2. Don’t expect to get something from someone when you are not willing to give anything back. In life, reciprocity is important for growth. You give to get and vice versa.
  3. Create Value. Need I say more? If you are easily replaceable then do more in order to make sure that your knowledge and skill level top notch. Become an expert in your field.
  4. Ask with certainty and conviction.
  5. Please always remember that there is no expiration date on pursuing the things that you desire, no matter your age or circumstance. Every single day you wake up and open your eyes you are granted a new day . You can try again, start new or simply make a small change to help improve your overall life. Ask for what you want, believe that you can have it and make a small change or action daily to help get you to your goal.

Ask an expert or someone with the results that you desire. Who is your mentor, expert or someone you look to for reliable answers?

Sweet Escape: How to Get Away While at Home

Do you suffer from the Winter Blues? Yeah, it’s a real thing. This is not a post for those of you who love the brisk Winter breeze or the snow. This is dedicated to the ones who miss basking in the sun and long for the feeling of waking out of the house without a coat.

Palm trees and wooden shutters are always welcome.

What can you do to capture the feeling of Summer when you are stuck in the Winter weather?

For me, I love to crank up the heat in my home and make my own oasis. Slide the curtains back in the daytime and let the sun in while the heat is on 80 degrees. The feel of the sun and warmth brings me right back to Summer.

Sit in front of a window and bask in the sun for a while and sip some fruit infused water.

Work out while the sun is out and the heat is on. You’re doing your body good, your mind good and also working on that Summer body. Summer bodies are made in the Wintertime.

Tell me, what do you do when you have the Summer Blues?

Set Your Intentions Sis

The New Year can invoke many different emotions in us based on where we are emotionally, physically and psychologically. 2020 has been one hell of a year and many of us have experienced loss in more ways than one. Many have lost those they love. We’ve experienced loss of freedom to move and go about like we normally do. Many may have also gained from this year. Hopefully we’ve all walked away with a sense that change can happen in an instant and how we respond to change determines our very survival.

With all of that being said, the start of the year is a perfect time to set your intentions for all of the good that you deserve and desire in the coming year. Here are some ways to organize and create your intentions. I know we all love the computer and the magic of technology but there is something about writing intentions down with pen and paper that makes the magic happen.

Intentions Setting Method– Avoid the use of the phrase “I want” when setting intentions or when speaking affirmations. The word “want” invokes a feeling of need and we are not moving in a needy direction. Strive to use the phrase “I am” instead.

2021 Intentions

I am starting——-

I am sharing——-

I am quitting——–

I am continuing——

I am going to be—–

I am learning——-

Set intentions in areas of your life where there is room for improvement. Categorize it. Set two or more intentions in areas such as: Family, Health/Wellness, Career, School/Education, Personal, and Spiritual.

For Example:


  1. I spend more than 1 hour a day connecting to and being present with those I love.
  2. We eat dinner together five days a week
  3. We have game night weekly
  4. We have Sunday devotions weekly

Now that you have a starting point, sit down, grab your journal and start setting your own intentions.

10 Time Saving Hacks for Productive Mornings

Are you a “wake up as soon as the alarm sounds” or “snooze city” morning person? Me, I’d love to be the jump out of the bed with a mission to take over the world type but I enjoy tapping the snooze button at least twice before rising. To be clear, I don’t fall back asleep after the alarm goes off. I use the snooze time to lay with my eyes close in a type of silent mediation and think about how I would like my day to go because I want everyday to be my day. Thinking about all of the wonderful possibilities that are ahead of me helps to frame my focus for the day.

We all need ways to save time and effort in the a.m. so that we can focus on conquering the day ahead. Here are 10 time saving hacks that if adapted daily can become daily habits to help improve your productivity.

(You may remember some of these from grade school because our moms lived by many of these shortcuts.)

  1. Pack your work bag the night before. Don’t forget to pack important projects that you may be working on at home in the bag the night before so that you don’t forget it the day of.
  2. Pack you gym bag (clothes, sneakers and towels) along with any after gym snacks and water. Schedule your workout time into your day the night before to ensure that you will take the time to take care of you.
  3. Remember the night before the first day of school? What did you do with your brand new fly outfit the night before school? Laid it out on a chair or on a hanger of course. Well, do the same now. Except now you are laying out your adult work clothes so make sure you’re fly but appropriate for the office.
  4. Prep breakfast and pack a lunch the night before. This helps to keep your healthy eating on track and you save money on expensive lunches. Save your food money for those expensive weekend brunches.
  5. Leave any and anything you fear you will forget in the morning right by your door. Keep your keys, wallet and phone by the door on a tray as well that way all three items are together and can be easily retrieved before leaving the house in the morning.
  6. Wrap your hair with a scarf or a bonnet. You know why so I don’t have to get into it.
  7. Set the tone for the morning. I love listening to morning motivation from some of my favorite speakers or I play some frequency music. I’m always working on vibrating higher.
  8. If you live with people that you love, don’t forget to check your mood and make sure that it adds goodness to their day. Do a mood check and if your mood is crappy make sure you aren’t adding that crappy mood to those you love.
  9. Refer back to number 7 if your mood is crappy. Have a goal of chasing joy. We won’t be happy everyday but if you are struggling, find something to be grateful for.
  10. Slay the day.

The “H” Game: Habits-Heart-Hunger-Humility-Hustle

Be super sharp and clear when formulating your vision.

What is your vision? How do you know what it is that you want your life to look like and and how did you get to that vision? It can be difficult to formulate a vision of you don’t have enough exposure to all that life has to offer. It is most crucial to put yourself in spaces that you are not normally ever in and speak to people that help you grow. If you can’t physically get to people and places, open a book. A book is the easiest way to delve deep knit different thoughts, places and people.

This article is called the “H” Game because it is pertinent to Honor your vision. Once you grasp that vision it is your job to honor it. You must be true to your vision to see it become a reality and vision comes to a reality when discipline is practiced on a daily basis. Discipline creates good habits.
The “H” Game involves creating good, daily Habits. Set your intentions daily and strive for mastery in all that you do. Do everything with Heart. Put love into all that you do and be open to receiving love in return. Don’t lose your Hunger. You must think you deserve all that you desire in your mind and believe it. Next, have Humility. Stay humble. Finally, Hustle. Like Dr. Maya Angelou said, “Nothing works unless you do.”

Setting intentions daily sets the tone when creating healthy habits.

Stay Healthy and Focused to Flourish

We can all agree that these have been trying times. It can feel beyond hopeful right now. Imagine, just over eight years ago we had “hope” and we felt hopeful. Today, well, we are going day by day. We are feeling overwhelmed with fears about the pandemic, overt racism, dirty politics, dirtier politicians, global warming, and the list goes on.
So how do we focus on persevering and flourishing during this time? How do we stay aware and participate in what we believe in without depleting our mental and physical energy?

Here’s What I’m Doing:

  1. Drinking water and eating Whole Foods. Taking care of my body by taking in the very best foods possible.
    2. Exercise. My exercise not always rigorous but I make movement a part of my daily routine. I move my body and increase your heart rate for 20 minutes or more per day.
    3. Simplified my routines (beauty, self care, exercise, cleaning, home life, wardrobe). Pear it all down! I found that the more I made my surroundings simplified, the more I saw that I had much of the things that I already needed. I didn’t need to buy new clothes or home decor because I had the stuff. It was just hiding under all of the excessive stuff I already owned but also wasn’t using. I used all of my beauty products before buying new ones. This was a hard one for me.

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